Be Useful and Bore Your Peers
Many of us create content for our peers, but we should be creating content for the people who aspire to be our peers, the people we want to help. It's no use trying to impress your peers (who may pick you apart and dismiss you anyway) when it goes over the heads of your prospects.…
N-Gram Viewer
Ngram Viewer Tool Ignore common words Analyze
Why is scaling ads so expensive?
I spent $10 on an ad and I got 3 customers within hours. Wow! That was so unexpected.My digital product sold for $10. So I was twenty dollars richer! I quickly got out the calculator. For every one hundred dollars I spend on Facebook ads, I will make two hundred. One dollar in 3 dollars…
How much is 100k a year hourly?
How much is 100k hourly? Interactive sliders convert any yearly salary to hourly instantly.
How Much Can You Make Selling Digital Products?
This calculator will show you how many digital products you need to sell to reach your goal. Move the slider to the amount of money you want to make in a year and instantly see your sales goals.
Can You Double Your Income With Paid Traffic?
Can you double your earnings by paying for traffic? Use the calculator above to find out before you waste real money trying to find out. Watch the video above if you need some help. You only need to know two numbers. 1. Your total visitors and 2. How much money you made in that same…